Competitive pricing for help training your dog
Competitive pricing for all of your dog training needs in NorthamptonshirePricing guide for all of Northamptonshire NN postcodes. I also cover 25 Miles from a NN5 postcode with these p [...]
Let’s get your dog’s behaviour where you want it to be!
I can help you! I understand how difficult it can be when you feel like you don't know where to start with your dog, how to bring the best out in them, or if your dog isn't behaving t [...]
Chris Rose – The man behind Better Dog Behaviour
So about me, Chris Rose, professional dog behaviourist. I grew up in Northampton. I was raised with dogs, a Lhasa Apso called Pippy, who lived to a great age of 14 years, and a Dalama [...]
What’s included in a 121 session?
Block dog training session Block training sessions are the most impacting and cost effective sessions. Depending on what behaviours or training needs there are, will depend on the [...]
The grumbling pack! Growling at other dogs within same household
I have always said have owned more than 2 dogs in a pack, you might class two dogs as a pack. But having owned four dogs at one time, dog-owning was taken to a whole new level, in ter [...]
Sibling rivalry
Are you noticing that the interactions are not playful between your puppies? Are you worried that this will intensify as they get older? Do you want to avoid future problems having r [...]